
No Win, No Fee
COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims

Was your business interrupted during COVID-19, if so you may be eligible.

No Win, No Fee

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Even if you were not forced to close you may still be eligible to make a claim.

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Terms and Conditions

Why are there Covid-19 Business Interruption Claims?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted economies and businesses on a global scale, leaving many struggling to survive amidst unprecedented challenges. As a result, numerous businesses have turned to COVID-19 Business interruption claims to seek financial relief and stability. Why are these claims necessary, and what do they entail?

Government restrictions forced countless businesses to cease operations temporarily or operate at reduced capacity, resulting in significant financial losses.

Business interruption claims seek to address the substantial loss of revenue and profits incurred due to the pandemic-related closures and restrictions.

Some companies faced increased costs associated with implementing safety protocols and providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to employees.

While some businesses possess insurance policies that include coverage for business interruptions, the interpretation and application of these policies concerning pandemic-related losses have been subject to debate and litigation.

The legal and regulatory landscape surrounding COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims is complex.

COVID-19 Business interruption Claims is serve as a vital lifeline for businesses striving to weather the economic fallout of the pandemic. By pursuing these claims, businesses can seek the financial relief necessary to sustain operations.

Why Choose Us

Expertise you can trust
Our team of experienced professionals understands Covid-19 Business Interruption Claims inside and out. We want to help those businesses that got disrupted throughout Covid-19.

No Win, No Fee
Worried about upfront costs? Don’t be. Our “No Win, No Fee” policy means you only pay us if we successfully recover funds for you. That’s our assurance of dedication to work on your claim.

3 Easy Steps to Start your Claim


Contact us through our handy online form, or by calling us at 020 3890 6430

Once you answer some of our simple questions, you can sit back, relax, and let us do the rest!


We look throughly through your case, and see if you’re entitled to a claim. Throughout the process we will keep you informed so you have an understanding of how things are progressing.


If you are entitled to a claim, we will find out by how much, and ensure that you get back what you are entitled to!

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